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List of political parties in Portugal

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This article lists political parties in Portugal. The Portuguese political scene has been dominated by the Socialist Party and the Social Democratic Party since the 1974 Carnation Revolution although there are several important minor parties (discussed below).

As of 2024, the parties represented in the Assembly of the Republic are the Democratic Alliance (80 MPs), Socialist Party (78 MPs), the Chega party (49 MPs), the Liberal Initiative (8 MPs), the Left Bloc (5 MPs), the Unitary Democratic Coalition (4 MPs), the FREE party (4 MPs), and the People-Animals-Nature party (1 MP). Several other parties are represented in the legislatures of the autonomous regions, the Legislative Assembly of the Azores and the Legislative Assembly of Madeira.

National political parties


Parties represented in the Assembly of the Republic and/or the European Parliament

Party Ideology Position European Party European Group Leader MPs MEPs Ref.
PPD/PSD Social Democratic Party
Partido Social Democrata
Centre-right EPP EPP Luís Montenegro
78 / 230
6 / 21
PS Socialist Party
Partido Socialista
Centre-left PES S&D Pedro Nuno Santos
78 / 230
8 / 21
CH Enough
to far-right
Patriots.eu PfE André Ventura
49 / 230
2 / 21
IL Liberal Initiative
Iniciativa Liberal
to right-wing
ALDE RE Rui Rocha
8 / 230
2 / 21
B.E. Left Bloc
Bloco de Esquerda
to far-left


GUE-NGL Mariana Mortágua
5 / 230
1 / 21
PCP Portuguese Communist Party
Partido Comunista Português
to far-left
None GUE-NGL Paulo Raimundo
4 / 230
1 / 21
to left-wing
EGP Not in European Parliament Rui Tavares
4 / 230
0 / 21
CDS–PP CDS – People's Party
CDS – Partido Popular
to right-wing
EPP EPP Nuno Melo
2 / 230
1 / 21
PAN People Animals Nature
Centre-left[a] APEU


Not in European Parliament, previously G/EFA Inês Sousa Real
1 / 230
0 / 21

Parties without representation in the Assembly of the Republic or the European Parliament

Party Ideology Position European Party European Group Leader Ref.
Ecologist Party "The Greens"
Partido Ecologista "Os Verdes"
Left-wing EGP Not in European Parliament, previously G/EFA Collective leadership [4][27]
ADN National Democratic Alternative
Alternativa Democrática Nacional
Far-right ECPM (candidate) Not in European Parliament Bruno Fialho [28][29]
RIR React, Include, Recycle
Reagir, Incluir, Reciclar
Syncretic None Not in European Parliament Márcia Henriques [30][31][32][33]
JPP Together for the People
Juntos Pelo Povo
Centre EDP Not in European Parliament Lina Pereira [34]
ND New Right
Nova Direita
Right-wing None Not in European Parliament Ossanda Liber [35]
PCTP/MRPP Portuguese Workers' Communist Party
Partido Comunista dos Trabalhadores Portugueses
Far-left None Not in European Parliament Maria Cidália Guerreiro
VP Volt Portugal
Volt Portugal
Centre to
Volt Not in European Parliament Inês Bravo Figueiredo
Duarte Costa
E Rise Up!
Far-right None Not in European Parliament Rui Fonseca e Castro [37][38][39][40]
MPT Earth Party
Partido da Terra
Centre-right None Not in European Parliament, previously RE Pedro Soares Pimenta [41][42]
PTP Portuguese Labour Party
Partido Trabalhista Português
Left-wing None Not in European Parliament Amândio Madaleno [34]
NC We, the Citizens!
Nós, Cidadãos!
Centre-right None Not in European Parliament Joaquim Rocha Afonso [43][44]
PPM People's Monarchist Party
Partido Popular Monárquico
Right-wing ECPM Not in European Parliament Gonçalo da Câmara Pereira [45][46][47][48]
Cartaz MAS Coimbra 24 de novembro de 2015.JPG
Socialist Alternative Movement
Movimento Alternativa Socialista
Far-left None Not in European Parliament Gil Garcia [49]
Syncretic None Not in European Parliament Rui Lima [50][51][52]

General overview

Political posters in 1975.
Livre campaign poster for the 2015 legislative election.
Left Bloc campaign poster for the 2015 legislative election.
Liberal Initiative campaign poster for the 2019 legislative election.
PCTP/MRPP campaign poster in 2014.

This list presents all the existing parties recognized by the Portuguese Constitutional Court.[53]

Extinct parties


This list presents the parties and coalitions of the current Third Republic that were once recognized by the Portuguese Constitutional Court but ceased to exist. It is organized by political spectrum and alphabetical order (in Portuguese).


Logo of Communist Electoral Front (Marxist-Leninist), FEC(ML).
Logo of Portuguese Marxist-Leninist Communist Organization, OCMLP.

Left-wing to far-left



Logo of Politics XXI, PXXI.


Logo of Democratic Renewal Party, PRD.




Logo of Party of the Christian Democracy, PDC.





Historical parties


This list includes the defunct political parties that never reached the Third Republic, in chronological order.

Logo of Portuguese Socialist Party, PSP.

First Republic (1910–1926)

Logo of Monarchist Cause, CM.

Ditadura Nacional (1926–1933)


Estado Novo (1933–1974)

Logo of National Union, UN.

Although the Estado Novo was a dictatorship, with the National Union being legally the only party, the opposition was sometimes allowed to compete in (sham) elections; other parties were constituted underground or in exile.

See also



  1. ^ Some sources state that People Animals Nature (PAN) is neither on the left nor the right.[23]


  1. ^ a b "Partidos registados e suas denominações, siglas e símbolos" Tribunal Constitucional. (in Portuguese)
  2. ^ Freire, André (2007). "The Party System of Portugal". In Oskar Niedermayer; Richard Stöss; Melanie Haas (eds.). Die Parteiensysteme Westeuropas. Springer-Verlag. p. 373. ISBN 978-3-531-90061-2.
  3. ^ Lisi, Marco (2007). "The Importance of Winning Office: The PS and the Struggle for Power". In Anna Bosco; Leonardo Morlino (eds.). Party Change in Southern Europe. Routledge. p. 50. ISBN 978-1-136-76777-7.
  4. ^ a b Nordsieck, Wolfram (2019). "Portugal". Parties and Elections in Europe. Retrieved 8 October 2019.
  5. ^ Lisi, Marco; Freire, André (2014). "The selection of political party leaders in Portugal". In Jean-Benoit Pilet; William Cross (eds.). The Selection of Political Party Leaders in Contemporary Parliamentary Democracies: A Comparative Study. Routledge. p. 124. ISBN 978-1-317-92945-1.
  6. ^ "Chega oficializa ligação à extrema direita europeia". www.sabado.pt (in Portuguese). Archived from the original on 2020-07-02.
  7. ^ "Livre makes history in Portugal: not just first black woman MP, but first man in a skirt". The Portugal Resident. 28 October 2019.
  8. ^ "Portugal's Socialists win election, now eye alliances". Star Tribune. 7 October 2019. Archived from the original on 7 October 2019. Retrieved 14 March 2021.
  9. ^ "Pastoral dos Ciganos considera racistas e ilegais declarações de André Ventura". Observador. 8 September 2020.
  10. ^ "Socialists victorious in Portuguese election – POLITICO". 6 October 2019.
  11. ^ "View of A Construção da Identidade dos Novos Partidos em Páginas Oficiais do Facebook". Proa.ua.pt. 13 April 2021. Retrieved 2022-04-22.
  12. ^ "Restricted Access".
  13. ^ Radical left parties in Europe. p.1801. Author - Luke March. Published by Routledge. Published December 2011.
  14. ^ Dinis, Rita (29 August 2014). "O que está a dividir o Bloco de Esquerda | Ainda não percebi bem. Então quais são hoje as correntes dentro do BE?" [What is dividing the Left Bloc | Still don't get it. So what are the current tendencies inside the BE?]. Observador (in Portuguese). Archived from the original on 14 November 2017. Retrieved 30 July 2018.
  15. ^ "Risque pays du Portugal : Politique". Société Générale (in French). Archived from the original on 3 October 2018. Retrieved 11 May 2019.
  16. ^ "Portugal's Socialists lead election poll, but would not win majority". Reuters. 31 July 2019. Archived from the original on July 31, 2019. When the Socialists came to power in 2015, they won the parliamentary support of two left wing parties, the Left Bloc and the Communists.
  17. ^ "Portugal president asks Socialist Costa to form government". Reuters. 8 October 2019.
  18. ^ European Spring Webpage (retrieved on 17 October 2018)
  19. ^ Maria Lopes (23 May 2014). "Rui Tavares recebe apoio da cúpula dos Verdes europeus". Público (in Portuguese). Retrieved 26 May 2014.
  20. ^ David Art (2011), "Memory Politics in Western Europe", in Uwe Backes; Patrick Moreau (eds.), The Extreme Right in Europe, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, p. 364, ISBN 978-3-525-36922-7
  21. ^ "Portuguese socialists defend post-EU bailout austerity". EUobserver. 6 May 2019. The centre-right CDS-PP and PSD parties put forward the €800m/year idea.
  22. ^ ""CDS is a right-wing party, period"". Noticias ao Minuto. 23 January 2020.
  23. ^ Martins, Paula (25 January 2022). "The politics of Portugal – who are the parties?". Reuters. Retrieved 7 February 2022.
  24. ^ Anjos, Mafalda (2019-06-06). "Nem de esquerda nem de direita". Visão (in European Portuguese). Retrieved 2021-01-19.
  25. ^ "SIC Notícias | PAN quer integrar família dos Verdes na Europa". SIC Notícias (in European Portuguese). 2018-12-13. Archived from the original on 2019-06-20. Retrieved 2019-06-20.
  26. ^ Nordsieck, Wolfram (2019). "Portugal". Parties and Elections in Europe. Retrieved 18 December 2019.
  27. ^ "Partido Ecologista Os Verdes" (in Portuguese). medium.com. 17 May 2018. Retrieved 4 September 2018.
  28. ^ "The PDR, new EDP member". Archived from the original on 2015-07-21. Retrieved 2015-11-27.
  29. ^ "Fenómeno ADN: o partido que cresceu seis vezes mais (e ainda não parou)". SIC Notícias (in Portuguese). 2024-03-10. Retrieved 2024-03-29.
  30. ^ In portuguese:"O R.I.R. é um partido político que nasceu com o propósito integrador de aproximar os cidadãos da política e vice-versa(...)Incluir os cidadãos nas decisões do bem comum, incluir o bem-estar e o equilíbrio nos objectivos económicos, incluir todas as raças e culturas nos espaços habitáveis e incluir toda a população nos privilégios do Século XXI" in http://partido-rir.pt/
  31. ^ In portuguese: "O R.I.R adopta corno método de participação e actuação política “ouvir, aprender e propor” soluções participadas pelos vários saberes, por quem está directamente envolvido em diversas áreas fundamentais da sociedade desde a Academia, a Arte, o Engenho à vivência prática dos agentes económicos ( empreendedores, investidores e assalariados)." in https://partido-rir.pt/sobre-o-r-i-r/
  32. ^ "Sobre o R.I.R. – RIR". Partido-rir.pt. 2022-02-21. Retrieved 2022-04-22.
  33. ^ In portuguese: "Questionado na altura se o partido se identifica com a direita ou com a esquerda, Vitorino Silva defendeu que o RIR “é um partido 360 graus, porque o próprio nome diz incluir. " in https://tvi24.iol.pt/politica/partidos/constitucional-aceita-partido-rir-de-tino-de-rans
  34. ^ a b Nordsieck, Wolfram (2015). "Madeira/Portugal". Parties and Elections in Europe. Archived from the original on 7 May 2018.
  35. ^ Lusa. "TC aceita inscrição de partido Nova Direita após três rejeições por irregularidades". PÚBLICO (in Portuguese). Retrieved 2024-01-10.
  36. ^ Forthomme, Claude (28 February 2019). "Volt Europa: An Electric Jolt to Wake Up Europe". Impakter. Retrieved 27 February 2020.
  37. ^ da Costa, José Mourão (2011). "O Partido Nacional Renovador: a novadireita na democracia portuguesa". Análise Social. 46 (201): 765–787. JSTOR 41494872.
  38. ^ "A Campanha de Cavaco Silva em Portugal (2011): A Retórica da Direita" (PDF). opiniaopublica.ufmg.br. Archived from the original (PDF) on 5 March 2016. Retrieved 2018-11-27.
  39. ^ Tostes, Ana Paula (June 2009). "Reasons for intolerance in integrated Europe" (PDF). Dados. 52 (2): 335–376. doi:10.1590/S0011-52582009000200003. ISSN 0011-5258.
  40. ^ Rocha, Frederico Pedroso (March 2014). "A Direita Radical E As Eleições Europeias Em 2014: Nacionalistas Em Busca De Pontes". Relações Internacionais (R:I) (41): 63–79. ISSN 1645-9199.
  41. ^ Close, Caroline (2019). "The liberal party family ideology: Distinct, but diverse". In Close, Caroline; van Haute, Emilie (eds.). Liberal Parties in Europe. Routledge. pp. 338–339. ISBN 9781351245487.
  42. ^ Tom Lansford, ed. (2013). Political Handbook of the World 2013. SAGE Publications. p. 1172. ISBN 978-1-4522-5825-6.
  43. ^ "Investigador Joaquim Rocha Afonso eleito presidente do partido Nós, Cidadãos! – Observador".
  44. ^ Nós, Cidadãos é o novo partido de centro-direita em formação, Publico.pt, retrieved 17 September 2015 (Portuguese)
  45. ^ Nordsieck, Wolfram (2016). "Azores/Portugal". Parties and Elections in Europe. Archived from the original on 7 May 2018.
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  49. ^ Administrador. "Declaração conjunta de MAIS (Brasil) e MAS (Portugal)". MAS (in European Portuguese). Retrieved 2018-12-13.
  50. ^ Lusa. "Partido Unido dos Reformados e Pensionistas quer concorrer às próximas eleições". PÚBLICO (in Portuguese). Retrieved 2019-10-16.
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  53. ^ Tribunal Constitucional – Partidos registados e suas denominações, siglas e símbolos
  54. ^ "Sem contas, "sem sentido" e sem presidente registado: Constitucional declara extinção do partido Aliança fundado por Santana Lopes". Expresso (in Portuguese). 4 March 2025. Retrieved 4 March 2025.